Wednesday, April 13, 2011


1. I am still tweaking my first website. I will work on the design, and most importantly, add links to my friends websites and stuff like that.

2. Not sure exactly when, but I am going to admit myself into the hospital for my DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS. I have TONS of blood clots in both legs from the knees down. Swollen legs, ankles, AND feet. I have been on LOVENOX shots for exactly 6 months + 1 day. If I survive this, I will keep yall posted when I get home. Now on with the show.

3. Your lucky numbers for today. 31 16 34 22 19 and 3.

4. If you are lucky enough to be reading this, you have a potential urge and the ability for accomplishment.

5. Place a penny in your pillowcase and you will have good luck the following day.


7. INSULT OF THE DAY: Calling YOU stupid would be an INSULT to STUPID PEOPLE :)

8. "Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever." - Napoleon Bonaparte -

9. The more difficult the obstacle, the stronger you are for tackling it.

10. The United Kingdom's Flag, the UNION JACK was created in 1606 and is a combination of the 3 flags from Great Britain, Ireland, and Scotland.

11. "Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." - JAMES 1:19 -

12. If sparks jump out of a fire, BEWARE...someone near you is JEALOUS of your happiness.

13. INSULT OF THE DAY: If we looked INSIDE your head, we would see that YOUR BRAIN WARRANTY EXPIRED long ago :)

14. "I never see what HAS been done. I only see what REMAINS to be done." - Marie Curie -

15. Choose your friends by their character and your socks by their color, not the other way around.

16. "Positive thinking will let you do EVERYTHING better than negative thinking will." - Zig Ziglar -

17. "GOD loveth a cheerful giver." - 2 CORINTHIANS 9:7 -

18. The more we obsess about OBTAINING something, like money or love, the LONGER it takes and the UNHAPPIER we are.

19. INSULT OF THE DAY: Your momma is SO FAT, the NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE has to assign NAMES to her FARTS!!!

20. All women PREFER a 50/50 relationship men. So lets give it to them. They cook, we eat. They clean, we dirty. They iron, we wrinkle. Sounds good to me :)

21. THIS IS FOR THE LADIES: Hey girls, HOW do you STOP your husband or boyfriend from READING your emails? Easy, rename your email folder as "INSTRUCTION MANUALS".

22. "The BEST car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it." - Dudley Moore -

23. Here is a FOOLPROOF trick to make your computer go faster; throw it OUT the WINDOW.


25. "The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul." - PROVERBS 13:19 -

26. Confidence CAN be obtained. It is arguably the BEST virtue of being successful.

27. Everyone makes mistakes. If you make a thoughtless comment, don't forget the power in a simple apology.

28. "It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can AFFORD to be STUPID with them." - Ralph Waldo Emerson -

29. When your big dreams turn to dust, it's time to find the vacuum :)


31. "EVERYBODY LIES." - Dr. Gregory House -

32. "Be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work." - 2 CHRONICLES 15:7 -

33. You can PRINT by using your phone.

34. That is all for today yall. PLEASE pray for my health issues. Thanks. POOF :)

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